About Me
I'm a Front-end Developer with experience at web applications development using JavaScript, ReactJS, Next.js and other libraries and tools.
Currently, I'm Senior Front-end Engineer at Aarin.
I'm passionate about building things and solving problems using code.
● I have worked with:
- Languages:JavaScriptTypeScript
- Frameworks/UI Libs:ReactJSNext.js
- State Management:ReduxMobxReact Query
- Styles:CSS3SassStyled-ComponentsMaterial UIStitchesRadixPandaCSS
- Observability:SentryDatadog
- Bundlers/Transpilers:WebpackBabelRollup
- Tests:JestTesting LibraryCypress
- Linter/Code Formatter:ESLintPrettier
- VCSs:Git
- Git Hooks:Husky
- Automation:Github Actions
- Other:AgileScrumClean CodeExtreme Programming
● I have studied and made projects with:
- Languages/Runtimes:Node.jsPythonRubyCVBA
- Front-end Frameworks/Libs:Vue.jsNuxt.jsSvelteSvelteKitRemixStencilAngularAstroHTMX
- Mobile Frameworks:React Native
- Back-end Frameworks:Express.jsDjangoDjango RESTRuby on Rails
- Styles:TailwindCSSBootstrap
- Observability:Elastic APM
- Databases/ODM/ORM:PostgreSQLMongoDBMongooseMySQLSequelize
- WebSocket:Socket.IO
- Deploy:HerokuAWSGCPVercel
- Automation:Jenkins
- Other:PWADockerKubernetesRancher
Front-end - TechNews
The same project implemented with various front-end frameworks/libs to study and compare them. All projects fetch articles from the HackerNews API.
Senior Front-end Engineer
Development of financial products’ front-end, using ReactJS, Next.js, Typescript, Material UI, React Query and other libraries.
Senior Front-end Engineer
Research and development of the new front-end project for the company’s ERP product, including the tools, libraries and the architecture. The project is developed with ReactJS, Rollup, Stitches, Radix, Storybook and other libraries.
Front-end Coordinator
Coordination of front-end team and front-end projects.
Coordination of recruitment process.
Development of better technical practices, like automated tests and observability.
Front-end Developer
Development of server-side and client-side front-end projects, using ReactJS, Next.js, Typescript, Styled-Components, Material UI and other libraries, taking care of SEO, performance optimization, responsivity and compatibility.
Research and development of Mobiauto Design System and the new projects architecture (monorepo), as well as all the tools and libraries used on it.
Front-end Developer
Development of server-side front-end projects, using ReactJS, Styled-Components, Material UI, Redux and other libraries.